Group Honour

Luen Mei Quantum:

In January 2024, Luen Mei Quantum Guohui New Energy was rated as a “Dedicated, Refined, Distinctive and Innovative” enterprise in Liaoning Province;

In December 2023, Luen Mei Quantum once again obtained the AAAA-level certification for clean heating services;

In December 2023, Luen Mei Quantum was ranked among the “Top 500 Energy Enterprises (Groups) in China in 2023”, marking its fourth consecutive appearance on the list;

In November 2023, Luen Mei Quantum was rated as the “Top 59 Carbon Neutrality Enterprises” at the 1st Guoxin Cup ESG Golden Bull Award;

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Mega-info Media:

In March 2024, Mega-info Media retained its title as the “National Cultural Industry Demonstration Base”

In November 2023, Mega-info Media was honored with the “Golden Spectrum Award” at the 17th China Brand Festival;

In November 2023, Mega-info Media won the title of “Top 100 Golden Advertising Partners”

In October 2023, Mega-info Media was appointed as a council member of the National Digital and Intelligent Outdoor Media Development Platform;

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Luen Mei Realestate:

In 2024, SHOWAY ARTS SPACE for FAMILIES was promoted to the Shanghai Qingpu Demonstration Base for Cultural and Tourism Integration;

In 2023, SHOWAY was appointed as a council member of the Shanghai Shopping Center Association;

In 2023, SHOWAY was rated as the “Annual New Landmark of Commercial Trends in Shanghai”;

Beijing Olympic Garden won the Award for Excellent Engineering Design - first prize for residential apartments, granted by the China Architectural Design and Research Institute;

Beijing Olympic Garden was chosen as AAA-rated Pilot Construction Area for Residential Buildings;

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Guizhou Anjiu:

In March 2024, Guizhou Anjiu’s AN·30 won the “Qingzhuo Award”;

In March 2024, Guizhou Anjiu was honored with the title of “Top 10 Famous Baijiu Brands in Zunyi”;

In January 2024, Guizhou Anjiu was awarded the title of “Green Factory of Guizhou Province in 2023”;

In December 2023, Guizhou Anjiu’s Ping’an Ruyi Baijiu was honored as the “National Trendsetting Product in 2023”;

In September 2023, it was recognized as the “Huazun Cup - Original Brand of High-Quality Moutai-flavor Baijiu in China in 2023”;

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Battery Science & Technology:

In January 2024, it was included in the National Catalogue for Advanced Pollution Prevention and Control Technologies for the year 2023;

In December 2023, it received the PAS2060 Carbon Neutrality Commitment Certificate;

In August 2023, it was included in the National Catalogue for Advanced and Applicable Technology Equipment for Comprehensive Utilization of Industrial Resources;

In May 2023, it won the “Award of Outstanding Practice Case for Green and Low-carbon Development of Enterprises”;

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ZhengTuo Energy Technology:

In 2022, it was selected as a national-level dedicated, refined, distinctive and innovative “Little Giant” enterprise;

In November 2022, it was honored with the “Award of Rapidly Growing Enterprise in 2022” in the high-tech lithium battery industry;

In May 2022, the 45,000-ton lithium ion battery anode material integration project was put into trial operation, which is the most advanced environmental protection technology and the most leading energy consumption per unit of GDP in China;

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Mantis Vision:

In February 2022, Mantis Vision, as a technical supporter, cooperated with Intel and Manchester United Dream Theater to build the "Winter Olympics Experience Center". Through exclusive 3D imaging technology, it integrates sports, culture and technology into one, contributing a unique technological and futuristic sports experience for the Winter Olympics event;

In November 2021, Mantis Vision was led by Sensetime Guoxiang Capital Artificial Intelligence Industry Fund, and invested by Wen Xingsheng World (Beijing) and Putuo Science Investment Corporation (Shanghai) and other institutions;

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Terraké China:

In March 2023, FORVIL was awarded the “Best Growth Brand of the Year” at the 16th Annual China Beauty;

In December 2022, TERRAKÉ China was selected as a high-tech enterprise in Shanghai;

In August 2022, TERRAKÉ won the “Annual Brand Award with Internal Impetus” at the 2021-2022 New Cosmetics Awards;

In August 2022, FORVIL won the “Annual Popular Personal Care Product Award” at the 2021-2022 New Cosmetics Awards;

In May 2022, Terraké and FORVIL became the strategic partners of "Sino-French Cultural Spring";

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Luen Mei Quantum

  • Guohui New Energy: “Dedicated, Refined, Distinctive and Innovative” enterprise

  • Luen Mei Quantum: the AAAA-level certification for clean heating services

  • The Most Investable Listed Company at the 12th “Golden Wisdom Award”

  • Luen Mei Quantum: “2023 China ESG Observers Consortium - Excellent Case”

  • Golden Tangerine Awards of Time Finance - Award for Pioneer of ESG Listed Compan

  • “Top 50 Carbon Neutrality Enterprises” at the 1st Guoxin Cup ESG Golden Bull Awa

  • Luen Mei Holding:listed on top 500 China Energy groups in 2021

  • Luen Mei Holding:Selected as a typical case of " China Clean Heating Industry De

  • Luen Mei Holding :2020 Investor Relations Management Award

  • Luen Mei Holding:The AAAAA certificate of "Clean Heating Service Certification"

  • Luen Mei Holding:2018 Award for Investor Relations Management

  • Luen Mei Holding:Golden Bull Award for Board Secretary

  • Luen Mei Holding:One of the TOP100 listed companies in value in the Chinese main

  • Luen Mei Holding:Yearly Award for Investor Relations

  • Shenyang Hunnan heat-supplying Co., Ltd:awarded 2016 National Safety Production

  • ShenYang Xinbei Thermoelectric Co., Ltd:TOP20 heating supplier of Liaoning Provi

  • ShenYang Xinbei Thermoelectric Co., Ltd:TOP100 energy-saving and environmentally

  • Guohui Environmental New Energy Co., Ltd:High-tech enterprise

  • Jiangsu Luen Mei Bioenergy Co., Ltd:Green enterprise in Taizhou in 2016.

Mega-info Media

  • Mega-info Media: “Golden Spectrum Award” at the 17th China Brand Festival

  • Mega-info Media:“Top 100 Golden Advertising Partners&rdquo”

  • Council member of the National Digital and Intelligent Outdoor Media Development

  • City Landmark Advertising Media, Top Media of Outdoor Advertising in China

  • Mega-info Media:"Golden Marketing Award at the Creative Awards Innovation 2023"

  • Mega-info Media: “Asia’s 500 Most Influential Brands” in 2023

  • Mega-info Media: Bronze Prize at the 8th Golden Scene Case Selection

  • Mega-info Media: he Annual Influential Media at the 23rd IAI Awards

  • Mega-info Media received multiple prestigious awards at the 2023 Gold Jade Award

  • Mega-info Media: "CNAA I" certification business standard certificate and "Media

  • Mega-info Media: 2021 China Innovative Marketing Award - Annual Innovative Marke

  • Mega-info Media: Advertiser Grand Ceremony - Annual Integrated Marketing Golden

  • Mega-info Media: Golden Partner of Advertisers at the China Advertising Festival

  • Mega-info Media: TOP Media of Annual Influence in the Advertising Industry

  • Mega-info Media: Top 500 Asian Brands 2021

  • Mega-info Media: Creative Award Innovation - Gold Award for Marketing Innovation

  • Mega-info Media: ADMEN International Award Scene Marketing Practical Golden Case

  • Mega-info Media was certified as "Outdoor Advertising Quality Media"

  • The Largest Number of Digital Media in the Core Waiting Area of High-speed Railw

  • Mega-info Media: Top 100 Outdoor Media Companies award

  • Mega-info Media: 2021 IAI Awards Outdoor Marketing Case Award

  • Mega-info Media: 2020 China Innovative Marketing Award - Annual Innovation Marke

  • Mega-info Media: 2020 Advertiser Grand Ceremony - Annual Golden Partner award

  • Mega-info Media:Creative Innovation Award "The Golden Award of Marketing Innovat

  • Mega-info Media:The Most Influential Media of Asian Brand Communication in 2020

  • Mega-info Media:IAI"The Most Influential Media in 2020"

  • Mega-info Media: 2018 award for innovative marketing within the industry - the B

  • Mega-info Media:Yearly Golden Partner at the 2018 Grand Ceremony of Advertising

Guizhou Anjiu

  • In March 2024, Guizhou Anjiu was honored with the title of “Top 10 Famous Baijiu

  • Yipin Longan of Guizhou Anjiu: The 2nd Pioneer Product Award of the Liquor Indus

  • Music Ceremony: Annual Aesthetic Engineering Award - Consumer Aesthetic Enginee

  • Guizhou Anjiu: Contribution Award for Famous Baijiu Brand Revival

  • Guizhou Anjiu’s Ping’an Ruyi Baijiu: National Trendsetting Product in 2023

  • Two products from Guizhou Anjiu won the 2023 Muse Design Awards

  • it was recognized as the “Huazun Cup - Original Brand of High-Quality Moutai-fl

  • Guizhou Anjiu: Top Ten New Famous Baijiu Brands of the Decade at the CFDF2023

  • High-end Product of Influential Chinese Moutai-flavor Baijiu Brands at the CFDF

  • Guizhou Anjiu: The Top Ten Moutai-flavor Baijiu Brands at the CFDF2023

  • Guizhou Anjiu (Classics): The Outstanding Single Product at CFDF2023

  • Jiangchuan Anjiu: The Most Valuable Agent Product at CFDF2023

  • Anjiu: The Most Potential New Product Award of China's Flavored Liquor industry

  • Anjiu: Annual Top Ten Star Products, Annual Top Ten Influential Brand

  • Anjiu: China Outstanding Flavored Liquor Enterprise Award

  • Anjiu: The Best Growth Enterprise of the Year in 2021

  • Anjiu: Top100 Annual Flavored Liquors 2021, Top 100 Annual Flavored Liquor Brand

  • Anjiu: 2021 China Liquor Industry Annual Best Packaging Innovation Award - Diamo

  • Anjiu: Top Ten Annual High-end Products

  • Anjiu: Top Ten Annual Cases

  • Anjiu: Maotai-flavored Liquor T20 Enterprise Award

  • Anjiu: New Leader Enterprise Award

  • Anjiu: The Most Valuable Agent Product of the Year

  • Guizhou Anjiu (Classic):Industry Quality Model Award

  • Anjiu:Gold Award for Famous Liquor among TOP10 Famous Types of Liquor in Guizhou

  • Anjiu:Famous Chinese trademark

  • Anjiu:Guizhou provincial spirit popular among consumers of Guizhou Province

Luen Mei Realestate

  • In 2024, SHOWAY ARTS SPACE for FAMILIES was promoted to the Shanghai Qingpu Demo

  • In 2023, SHOWAY was appointed as a council member of the Shanghai Shopping Cente

  • In 2023, SHOWAY was rated as the “Annual New Landmark of Commercial Trends in Sh

  • Shenyang Riverside Mansion:Chinese Architectural Golden Stone Awarding

  • Shenyang Riverside Mansion: Comprehensive Prize for Global Happiness Index on Hu

  • Shenyang New Riverside Garden:United Nations International Gold Award for Human

  • Shenyang New Riverside Garden:Tien-yow Jeme Civil Engineering Prize

Terraké China

  • In March 2023, FORVIL was awarded the “Best Growth Brand of the Year” at the 16t

  • In August 2022, FORVIL won the “Annual Popular Personal Care Product Award” at t

  • In August 2022, TERRAKÉ won the “Annual Brand Award with Internal Impetus” at th

  • In August 2022, FORVIL won the 2022 Annual Rising Star Brand Award at the TMALL